Dr. Vitalis Nakrošis
Research areas
Public Administration
Additional info
Graduate of Bachelor of Political Science program, VU IIRPS, 1997. Master of Political Transition Economy (with distinction), London School of Economics 1998. In 2004 he received a PhD in Social Sciences from Vilnius University.
Lecturer at the VU IIRPS since 1998. Since 2011 Professor at the IIRPS. Member of the IIRPS Council. Former member of the European Union Studies Association, the Lithuanian Political Science Association and the International Public Policy Association. Participates in ECPR, EGPA and NISPAcee networks.
Vitalis is also a research and advice director at the Public Policy and Management Institute (Vilnius, Lithuania). He previously worked for the Ministry of Public Administration Reforms and Local Authorities (1997, 1998-99), the National Regional Development Agency (2000-03).
Vitalis Nakrošis received the Alena Brunovska Award for the year 2015 from the NISPAcee network for excellence in public administration and an outstanding performance.
Membership of working groups, councils, etc. within Vilnius University and IIRPS VU
IIRPS VU Council; Public Administration and Policy Analysis Center; Public Policy Analysis (MA) Programme Committee.
Membership of working groups, commissions or committees set up by public authorities, state and municipal bodies, companies and organisations, businesses
Better Regulation Advisory Council, member.
Selected research projects and grants
Resilience of welfare state institutions in Lithuania: the influence of significant events on adapting to systemic threats during 2004–2020, Research Council of Lithuania (2021-2022), project leader.
Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Lithuania and other EU Member States: an Impact on Public Policy and the Management of the Emergency Situation (COPOVAL), Research Council of Lithuania (2020), project leader.
Good governance and trust in public institutions while building welfare society in Lithuania, Research Council of Lithuania (2015-2017), project leader.
Priorities of activities of the Lithuanian Government: process of implementation and its results, Research Council of Lithuania (2014-2015), project leader.
COST project No. IS1207 „Reforms of local public sector“, COST (2013-2017 m.), member of steering committee.
Courses taught
Comparative Public Administration
Master's Colloquium
Public Policy and Policy Analysis
Research interests
Public administration reforms
Public sector organizations
Evaluation and analysis of public policy
Nakrošis, V., Dan, S., Goštautaitė, R., “The role of EU funding in EU Member States: building administrative capacity to advance administrative reforms”, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 2022, ahead of print.
Nakrošis, V., Bortkevičiūtė, R., “Resilience building during the management of the COVID-19 crisis in Lithuania: major breakthroughs and incremental change”, the Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 2022, 1–12.
R. Bortkevičiūtė, P. Kalkytė, V. Kuokštis, V. Nakrošis, I. Patkauskaitė-Tiuchtienė, R. Vilpišauskas, Nuo greitų pergalių prie skaudžių pralaimėjimų: Lietuvos viešosios politikos atsakas į COVID-19 pandemiją ir šios krizės valdymas 2020 m. Vilnius: Vilnius universiteto leidykla, 2021 m.
V. Nakrošis, J. Šiugždinienė & I. Antanaitė (2020), New development: Between politics and strategic planning—the management of government priorities in Lithuania, Public Money & Management, 40:4, 299-303. https://doi.org/10.1080/09540962.2020.1715096
V. Nakrošis, R. Vilpišauskas and E. Barcevičius, “Making change happen: policy dynamics in the adoption of major reforms in Lithuania”, Public Policy and Administration 34(4), 2019, p. 431–452. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0952076718755568
V. Nakrošis, Ž. Martinaitis, A. Hudrea, D. Balica, “Ex post control and steering of government agencies: a comparative analysis of Lithuania and Romania”, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 49, 2016, pp. 78-94.