Vytis Jurkonis
Associate Professor of Partnerships
Research groups
Research group on Belarus
Research areas
Comparative politics and political sociology
International relations
Additional info
From 2003 to 2009 Vytis Jukronis worked in Research and Public Affairs Department at VU TSPMI.
In 2005, he graduated from MA studies of International Relations and Diplomacy.
Since 2007, Vytis Jurkonis has worked in Eastern Europe Studies Centre as the head of Civic society development and cooperation departemnt. From 2010 to 2012 he led the department of Political analysis and research.
For a few years, Vytis Jurkonis was a researcher in Lithuania for European Foreign Policy Scorecard implemented by European Council on Foreign Relations.
Complutense University of Madrid, Law Faculty, Human Rights Institute expert’s diploma in the sphere of international missions, conflict prevention, crises management, and state response in countries affected by conflicts. In 2012, Vytis Jurkonis took part in the US Department of State fellowship “International Visitors Leadership Program”.
In 2018, Vytis Jurkonis was awarded the highest award of Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – “The Star of Lithuanian Diplomacy” and in 2021 he was elected the European of the Year.
Vytis Jurkonis is also one of the founders of Vilnius liceum alumni association and VU TSPMI students’ corporation „RePublica“; member of Lithuanian Political Science Association.
Selected conference papers
Woodrow Wilson Center, “Belarus’s Emerging Civil Society in the Time of COVID-19”, 9 Jun 2020
CEPA, “Standing Up? Belarus Ahead of the Presidential Election”, 15 Jul 2020
Science Po, “Democratisation in Belarus”, 18 Nov 2020
The New School for Social Research, “The Deep and Broad Social Dimensions of the Protests in Belarus”, 10 Nov 2020
Clingendael Institute, “Webinar: Belarus’ uncertain path ahead”, 14 Jan 2021
Courses taught
Nationalism and Ethnicity
Art of Negotiations
Research interests
Ethnic Processes in Europe
Identity Processes in Foreign Policy
International Relations Theory
Foreign Policy Analysis
Central and Eastern European Studies
Civic Activism
Jurkonis V. Rusija kaip Lietuvos Respublikos užsienio politikos užupis, Naujasis Židinys, Nr 8, 2018. https://nzidinys.lt/project/2018-nr-8/
Jurkonis V. Transition in Central & Eastern Europe – Neither Complete, Nor Irreversible, Aspen Review, No 4, 2016. https://www.aspen.review/article/2017/transition-in-central-%26-eastern-europe-neither-complete%2c-nor-irreversible/
Jurkonis V. Orwell’s Belarus, New Eastern Europe, 2015. https://en.eurobelarus.info/news/politics/2015/11/10/vytis-jurkonis-of-the-orwellian-calendar-the-year-is-1984-in.html
Forbrig J. (ed.), A Region Disunited? Central European Responses to the Russia-Ukraine Crisis, GMF Policy Paper, 2015.https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep19010
Praneviciute-Neliupsiene J. (ed.), Belarusian Regime Longevity: Happily Ever After…, Vilnius University, 2014, 320 (co-author of the joint monograph).
“Visa-Free Regime Between EU and Russia: Implications for Lithuania”, Vilnius: EESC, 2012, 181 (co-author).