
Augustė Dementavičienė
Jaunesnioji asistentė
Politinės elgsenos ir institucijų tyrimų katedra
Politinės filosofijos ir idėjų istorijos katedra
Tyrimų temos
Technologijų politikos tyrimų grupė
Lyginamoji politika ir politinė sociologija
Politinė teorija
Papildoma informacija
Augustė Dementavičienė VU TSPMI baigė Politikos mokslų bakalauro (2010 m.) ir Lyginamosios politikos (2012 m.) programas. Nuo 2012 m. studijuoja VU TSPMI doktorantūroje. Nuo 2018 m. Institute eina akademinės konsultantės pareigas.
Priklausymas VU ir TSPMI darbo grupėms, taryboms ir kt.
Politinės elgsenos ir institucijų tyrimų katedra; Politinės filosofijos ir idėjų istorijos katedra; Adaptyvios lyderystės centras; Akademinės etikos komitetas; Globalių iššūkių politikos studijų programos komitetas.
Priklausymas tarptautinėms mokslinėms organizacijoms, asociacijoms, tarptautinėms darbo grupėms, ekspertų komisijoms, leidinių redakcinėms kolegijoms ir kt.
The Society for Philosophy and Technology
Pranešimai konferencijose
1. The 3rd Global Conference Time, Space and the Body, 2014, Oxford, Great Britain; Title of the presentation: „The phenomenology of new technologies: how everyday life, everyday routine changes the perspective of society, politics, morality.”
2. International Conference Political Science in the Digital Age: Mapping Opportunities, Perils and Uncertainties, 2017, Hanover, Germany; Title of the paper: „The Swarms Effect: the case of Digital Vigilantism as a New Form of Political Act.“
3. 19th International Scientific Conference; New Problems of E-Economy And E-Societ; 2018, Nałęczów, Poland; Title of the paper: “Political act in the E-society: the case of Digital Vigilantism.“
4. 8th International Congress of Technology, Science And Society; 2019, Lisbon, Portugese; Title of the paper: Body Enhancement Technologies: Demigods and New Political Order;
5. „Interdisciplinarity in the Life Sciences and Their Philosophy.” KLI, EASPLS, 2018, Vienna, Austria; Summer School activity: chair at two sesions; Abstract: Body Enhancement Technologies: Demigods and New Political Order;
6. „Humans in a Technological World: The Anthropology of Technics“ (in Second life), 2019, Krakow, Poland; Title of the presentation: How Patricia Piccinini Helps to Understand Donna Haraway;
7. Twenty-First Biannual Conference Of The Society For Philosophy And Technology; Texas A&M University, 2019,College Station, Texas, USA; Title of the paper: Donna Haraway: Cyborgs, Demigods and the New Political Order;
8. 16th International Congress On Logic, Methodology And Philosophy Of Science And Technology, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic; Title of the paper: “Political act in the E-society: the case of Digital Vigilantism.“
9. Cologne Summer School Of Interdisciplinary Anthropology, 2019, Cologne, GermanyTitle of the paper:TTTT. Tentacularity, Staying With Trouble, Terrapolis And Technobiopolitics: What Donna Haraway Brings New To Political Theory And Ho W?
10. Cyberspace 2019. The Institute of Law and Technology, Faculty of Law in cooperation with the Faculty of Social tudies, Masaryk University (Brno) and the European Academy of ICT Law (Vienna), 2019. Title of the paper: How the New Technologies Shapes the Understanding of the Political Act: the case of Digital Vigilantism
11. Workshop on ‘A Phenomenology of Virtuality?’ Santiago, Chille, 2020, January Title of the paper: How does the Cyborg Perceives Political Action: Phenomenology of E-voting. Together with A. Žukauskas
12. Cyberspace 2020. The Institute of Law and Technology, Faculty of Law in cooperation with the Faculty of Social tudies, Masaryk University (Brno) and the European Academy of ICT Law (Vienna), 2019. Brno, Czech Republic. Title of the paper (personal): How Virtual Surveillance Reshapes Our Political Thinking: from Digital Vigilantism to „Cancel” culture;
13. Brno, Czech Republic. Title of the paper (with F. Mikutaite): Public Sphere in the Age of Postmodernism: Anti-vaccination Movement in Lithuania
14. „Trust Me!” Truthfulness and Truth Claims across Media, Linnaeus University March 9-12, 2021, Vaxjo, Sweden. Title of the paper (with F. Mikutaite): Where and How the Knowledge/Facts/Opinion in Post Truth Society is Born: The In-Deep Research of Anti-vaccination Groups in Social Media
15. The Society for Philosophy and Technology Conference – June 28-30 2021. Lille Augustė Dementavičienė : How Virtual Surveillance Reshapes Our Political Thinking The Society for Philosophy and Technology Conference – June 28-30 2021.
16. Lille (with Fausta Mikutaite) : Reimagining the Truth: The In-Deep Research of Anti-vaccination Groups in Social Media
Dėstomi kursai
Socialinių mokslų tyrimų metodai
Įvadas į politikos mokslų metodus
Kūniškumo politika
Profesinė praktika (adaptyvioji)
Politikos mokslų pagrindai
Moksliniai interesai
Mokslo filosofija
Politinė filosofija
Technikos filosofija
Dementavičienė, A. (2019). How the New Technologies Shapes the Understanding of the Political Act: the case of Digital Vigilantism. Politologija, 95(3), 33-55. https://doi.org/10.15388/Polit.2019.95.4
Dementavičienė Augustė, Dranseika, Donatas „Cyborg as a Destroyer of G. Agamben’s „Anthropological Machine“. Baltic Journal of Political Science; 9-10, 2019. https://www.journals.vu.lt/BJPS/article/view/21751/20844
Dementavičienė Augustė (2020). A Political Act In The E-Society: Digital Vigilantism And Swarms. Roczniki Nauk Społecznych, Tom 11(47), numer 2 – 2019 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18290/rns.2019.47.2-1