
Lior Tabansky

Tarptautiniai santykiai

Dėstomi kursai

Kibernetinis saugumas tarptautiniuose santykiuose

Moksliniai interesai

Technologijos ir karas

Saugumo studijos


Tabansky, L., Cornish, P., and Lichterman, E. (2024). Making PROGRESS: a sectoral approach to cyber resilience and its application in sustainable development. Journal of Cyber Policy, 9(3), 423-440. https://doi.org/10.1080/23738871.2025.2451779

Tabansky, L. (2021). Cybersecurity in Israel: Strategy, Organization, and Future Challenges. In: Cornish, P. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Cyber Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198800682.013.57

Shaked, A., Tabansky, L., and Reich, Y. (2021). Incorporating Systems Thinking Into a Cyber Resilience Maturity Model. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 49(2), 110-115. https://doi.org/10.1109/EMR.2020.3046533

Tabansky, L. (2020). Israel Defense Forces and National Cyber Defense. Connections, 19(1), 45-62. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26934535

Tabansky, L. (2020). Mind the gap: Western military theory of victory vs cyber attack. In: Austin, G. (ed.), National Cyber Emergencies: The Return to Civil Defence. London: Routledge. http://doi.org/10.4324/9780429343438-7
